So, I really, really like typography.
I think the obsession started before my my father even brought home a "home work helper's" disc by Borderbud, which is kind of like Microsoft Publisher, and less like InDesign.
Microsoft Paint was my playground: I pursued through type names as an elven year old, creating backgrounds to fit words and vice-verse; looking back, I think that gave me a stronger sense of correlation of words and text form with intended feeling or austere.
Soon, I was calling out "New Berlin Sans! Really? for that!" and, "Why is Papyrus SO overused!" out the car window as we drove past a number billboards obviously made by some one in the office who didn't have enough things to do.
This love of type informs my current major: public relations.
I would fall more into the advertising category of PR than the business relations, though I anticipate having to develop that upper lip as well.
But Enough about me, more about Letter Forum.
I chose that title for a reason: I would LOVE for this place to be a spot where other type enthusiast express their own thoughts, findings and critiques on articles and images despite the fact that this blog was created mainly for a class, and I love play on words as much as I love alliteration.
So be prepared: if I can help it, from here on out ever post will start with an alliterated title from A to Z.
Post Ideas in the commentary below!
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